Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., After Hours & Sunday Appointments Available On Request

Hypnosis Center for Better Health

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(781) 331-8118

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About Us

A Word From Jeffrey Scott Rosen, A.C.C.H.

My clients will tell you of my passion for my work. There is a good reason for that. For me, hypnosis was a massive catalyst for positive change in my life, and I have never looked back.

A smoker for 26 years, I readily stopped with hypnosis several years ago, and to this day remain smoke-free, healthy, happy, and in complete control.

Next, I decided to use hypnosis as a tool to help me with my obesity problem. I lost over 125 pounds and now will easily and naturally stay that way for life!

Jeffrey Scott Rosen

These positive changes were so profound that I decided to pursue a career in hypnotherapy. I have now been in practice since 2000, working mostly one-on-one with clients. My success rate has contributed to being featured in South Shore Living Magazine, Honorary awards from Healthy Living Magazine, Featured articles in several area newspapers as well as recommendations from South Shore Hospital, Beth Israel/Deaconess, and the Hanover Board of Health - Tobacco Division.

It is reassuring to know that when seeking a professional that the professional not only has a passion for his work but also has lived on both sides of the fence as I have.

It is my life's experiences that allow me to help you help yourself.

Jeffrey Scott Rosen, A.C.C.H.